Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Riding but not blogging...

I have been riding regularly dispite the cold wet weather.  I once thought I was a purist and never would buy fenders.  I guess I am getting wiser because I have no idea what I was thinking not to buy fenders years ago.  I bought a SKS front fender and a rear fender as well.  I started with a fender in the front.  No more mud in the eyes.  The rear fender adjusts nicely fit around the tire- minimizing mud on the back.  Here are a few pics over the last few months.

Not much mud on this ride- no fenders needed.

Making tracks

Mud and snow this ride

Made it to the top!
For quite a while, we couldn't get very high up the mountain.  This is the top of what it now called Panther Point.  The handgliders launch off of this spot now.

Layton Ditch Trail

trying out the panoramic function.

As ususal, the valley is socked in.