Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A break in the weather?

It has been raining pretty heavily off and on over the past few days.  I noticed this morning that there was a break in the rain and it had really warmed up.  I had the chance to get out on the bike so I took it!  Amazingly enough, it was shorts and T-shirt weather.  I knew that the weather could change at a moments notice so I packed my jacket and my leg warmers just in case.  As I was heading towards Findley Road I noticed towards Greyback mountain that there was a heavy storm coming.  Is there a chance that it would miss me?  The wind was blowing towards me, moving the storm closer to my direction.  I hit the bottom of Findley and started the climb.  I knew that if it did start sprinkling I still wouldn't need the jacket since the Findley climb will surely warm me up.  Well it wasn't too long into the ride until the rain started to come as well as a drop in temperature.  I was fairly close to the first ridge top when I decided to put on the jacket.  I climbed in a decent time regardless of the extra muddy conditions.  After the first ridge, I decided to head to the peak, it wasn't raining that hard and I was prepared in case it really started coming down.  It continued to cool so once I reached a fairly flat portion of the road I put on my leg warmers.  I climbed to the top of the peak.  It is pretty muddy so it was an extreme challenge to make it without stopping.  I made it most of the way and had to walk a short portion.  It wasn't raining that hard and got a nice vista of the valley.

I didn't stay long at the top because I knew I would start getting cold.  I did take enough time to text this pic to my riding buddy who is at work today.  Brutal, I know.  Great downhill with mud flying everywhere.  The bike and I needed a serious bath.  I am hoping to get out again- looks like the weather is going to clear up.

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